What is Steps and what we’re trying to do

steps token
4 min readJun 30, 2021

Wondering what steps token is? We are a combination of both financial and physical health summed up in one ecosystem. We want to help people achieve better physical health while being rewarded at the same time. This is done by rewarding people for walking or running.

Why are we doing this?

Research shows that walking is one of the best ways to improve not just your physical health but your overall health. As little as 30 minutes of walking a day strengthens bones, reduces fat, and increases cardiovascular fitness to boost muscles and endurance. Walking also reduces the risk of having heart disease, osteoporosis, and some cancers. This goes to show that every step matters.

We care about you, and we want you to enjoy all these health benefits; that’s why we are incentivizing people to be healthy.

What makes us stand out?

We’ve created an app and unlike platforms that offer similar services, we pay users for every step they make using steps token. Steps token is a crypto coin created on the binance smart chain that you can easily exchange for “real” money.

We go beyond just incentivizing our users; we are allowing them to earn real money. Steps token has the prospect of increasing in value over time so if a user decides to hold on to his coins they might be worth more after some time.

Steps app comes with a step counter, a walking tracker with GPS to help you see the path you walked every day, a calendar, a built-in wallet so you can store your crypto tokens and so much more.

Transacting using steps platform is easy and fast, within minutes users can transfer steps token from one platform to another.

Why you should invest in Steps ?

There are different reasons why you should consider investing in steps , first it offers a real use case. As we all know most cryptocurrency projects fail to grow from its original value because they don’t have substantial use cases.

With steps the story is different. That’s because we all want to be healthy, and so that makes it easier for us to patronize a product that promises better health and financial incentives simultaneously.

Secondly, value. Steps token is positioned to increase in value over-time. As an incentive for healthy living, steps token is easily going to be adopted by people and this will skyrocket the overall value of the token.

Finally, you deserve good health. The health benefits of walking and running cannot be overemphasized, improving your health is enough reason why you should invest in Steps.

How to buy Steps?

Step 1 — Create a Wallet

You can use any crypto wallet you want. We recommend either trustwallet or metamask. For this example, we’re going with trustwallet.

Step 2 — Add Steps to your Wallet

Tap the two dots icon on the top-right corner of the app and search for “Steps”. If nothing appears click on “add custom token”.

  • On Network select “Smart Chain”.
  • On Contract Address paste the following address (0x4af3FDeb529768Baa586fa29076d700A0491b75B)
  • On name write “STEPS”
  • On Symbol write “STEPS”
  • On Decimals write “18”

Click done and you should see Steps added to your wallet.

Step 3 — Buy some BNB

At the moment you can only buy Steps using BNB so we need to add some to your account.

For that click on “Smart Chain” on your trustwallet main screen and tap “Buy”. Make sure you have your documents because they might ask you for some kind of identity verification.

After purchasing your BNB should appear on your main screen. The transaction might take a while, be patient.

Step 4 — Swap your BNB for Steps

Great! Now you have some BNB. Now navigate to DApps (or “Browser” for iPhones) at the bottom of the main screen. If the Browser button is not visible at the bottom for iPhone, open Safari and in the URL type “trust://browser_enable”, then return to trust wallet.

Open DApps (or Browser) and find something called “Pancakeswap” and open it. Connect your trust wallet to it and scroll down until you reach the “Exchange” box.

Now click on the settings icon and set “Slippage” to 12%.

Once the slippage is set just select the amount of bnb you want to swap for steps and click on “Swap”. Sometimes you might get an error, if that happens just gradually increase your “Slippage” and keep trying.

Cool, you have some Steps! Hold them with your life.



steps token

Steps instantly converts all of your real-life steps to $steps token. Join the movement and get paid to walk.